Monday, July 12, 2010

July 10, 2010 Location: Kingston, Ontario

We arrived back in Kingston around noon time for the final leg of Doug’s stay with us. It was great having him aboard and Bear and Barbie did not mind at all giving up their room to him. What a great help he was through all the locks. He left this morning for his return to Tampa and he is welcome back anytime.

Our new “deck hand” (is she really expecting a first class cruise?), Christine, arrived last evening and she brought with her the first rain shower we’ve had in weeks; cooler weather to follow. To celebrate we all went out to dinner.

We’re staying in Kingston until tomorrow AM when we head for the Trent-Severn Waterway which begins in Trenton, Ontario. So, we spent the day relaxing, walking the city and peeking in and out of shops. Wine and salmon dinner was served on board followed by homemade fudge. Yum!


  1. All I can say is FANTASTIC !!!!!! Youse guys are doing great !!! She looks fabulous just floating there (I mean the M.V.Tadpole ).. Ha ENJOY !!!

  2. I hope Christine brought enough bagels to
    go with the locks(lox)...Allan
